Chakra Yoga Retreat2022-01-19T08:35:15+00:00

Chakra Yoga Retreat

This can be a trans-formal journey,  full of insight, belief, truth, peace, and exploring unconditional (self)love. Practicing yoga means learning what separates you in a mental and emotional way from FLOW. This retreat is to restore the balance and experience your free state of being, the I AM… which you truly are. 

Price is € 895,- for 8 days/7 nights

Learn how to open-up yourself for a better grounding, balance, creativity, joie de vivre, autonomy, focus, health, (self)love, compassion, expression, vision, higher consciousness and get more connected with source energy. By connecting with the elements earth, water, fire, ether, light, and consciousness -which you are part of- you will discover the influence and impact they have on you and your life on this planet. This journey is about

You and yourself

You and your relationships

You acting in the world

You will be introduced to the 7 basic Chakras and its profound effects on your own nature. Did you know Alam-Kita means “our nature”? In order to properly understand the chakra system, you first have to experience what Yoga is. That’s why we practice yoga every day so you can experience and learn more about the backgrounds of yoga.

Our Daily Program

07:00 – 08:00: Hatha Yoga – Morning Flow
08:00 – 09:00: Breakfast
10:00 – 12:00: Chakra workshop ‘Exlporing the Chakras
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 18:00: Free You & Me time
14:00 – 18:00: Activity and workshop program
19:00 – 20:00: Dinner
20:00 – 22:00: Evening program

Get to know the themes of the 7 Chakras:

  1. Muladhara: Root chakra, grounding, basic needs, matter
  2. Svadisthana: Navel chakra, emotions, creativity, sexuality
  3. Manupura: Solar Plexus chakra, will power, discipline, focus, goals, ego
  4. Anahata: Heart chakra, compassion, (self) love, soothing
  5. Visshuddi: Throat chakra, expression, letting go, forgive
  6. Ajna: Forehead chakra, sixth sense/third eye, seeing, vision, intuition
  7. Sahasrara: Crown Chakra, higher consciousness, wisdom, direct knowing

The price € 895, – per person for 8 days/7 nights includes

  • 7 nights based on 2 people per bungalow*
  • 8 days program with workshops, yoga, meditations, excursions, and more
  • Bodywork
  • Indonesian traditional massage or Access Consciousness® Bars treatment
  • A week with coaching and accompaniment by Monique and Margo
  • Snorkeling & Island Hopping tour
  • Transport from the harbor or airport
  • Breakfast, lunch, and diner during the whole Retreat
  • Unlimited water/tea/coffee**

*     If you like a private bungalow, a surcharge of 35% applies
**   Soda’s, smoothies, or alcoholic beverages are not included but will be available at the bar

Travel expenses to Karimunjawa are not included in the prices mentioned above and your booking is final after you received the receipt of your payment from Alam Kita.

Do you like to combine this retreat, for example with an extra 4 days in Jogjakarta? We can help arranging this. Please contact us for more details.

Who are the facilitators?

Margo Niestadt is an open, energetic, and loving coach who knows how to mirror you through her questions and techniques. She will be able to quickly bring you to the core of things, always in a respectful and inviting way. During this Retreat, she will lovingly guide you and will intuitively feel what is needed, and will be using a diversity of tools to support you.

Just ask!

Do you want more information about our Chakra Yoga Retreat, do you have specific requests or do you like to organize your retreat? Contact us through the link below and just ask!

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